Clark County, WashingtonAwards Contract to JRMA
Brea, CA (July 29, 2019) JRMA (J. R. Miller & Associates, Inc.) announced today that it was awarded a contract by Clark County, Washington to complete a Regional Solid Waste System Study. The Study results will produce a vision and recommended actions for planning, funding, and operation of a solid waste system over a twenty-year planning horizon. The County currently contracts with Columbia Resources Company (Waste Connections) which owns and operates the key components of the solid waste system including Central Transfer and Recycling Facility (CTR), West Vancouver Transfer and Recycling Facility (WVAN), and Washougal Transfer Station.
JRMA will complete a multi-phase scope of work including: assessing transfer and recycling facility operation conditions; recommending policy and administrative procedures to improve traffic, safety and overall customer services at the facilities; forecasting future waste generation; determining short and long-term capital improvements required at the facilities; preparing a capital funding and finance plan for facility improvements; and evaluating institutional aspects of potential future public ownership options. The final report will be used to update the Clark County’s Solid Waste Management Plan.
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