JRMA’s solid waste practice began in the 1980’s as local landfills were closing, and public agencies and private companies were in need of new transfer stations. Later our public and private clients were also facing new laws and regulations to divert materials away from disposal, primarily through recycling efforts.
As a result of JRMA’s involvement in more than 150 solid waste projects over a nearly 40-year period, our team of architects, structural engineers, planners, and sustainable design specialists has the experience and expertise necessary to meet the ongoing, complex solid waste management challenges faced by our customers. Whether simple or complex, all projects are designed to achieve our clients’ operational, financial, and environmental goals. JRMA has played a leading role in many award-winning solid waste facility projects throughout the United States.
We are leaders in the planning, design, permitting, and construction of material recovery facilities (MRFs), transfer stations, household hazardous waste (HHW) facilities, gate house and scale house complexes, self-haul and recycling drop-off centers, vehicle and equipment maintenance operations, public amenities such as meeting space and education/visitor centers, and administrative offices.
Because of our day-to-day work in solid waste facilities and close coordination with facility operators, we have a keen understanding of operational challenges. This translates into invaluable knowledge of industry best practices that we can deploy in all our projects as a “trusted advisor” to our clients. Our wide range of experience extends to working with equipment manufacturers to integrate material processing systems within building designs. We partner with our clients to ensure that our designs fit within their operational parameters and, when necessary, create a phased implementation plan to minimize disruptions to ongoing operations.